Sergey Tenyatnikov was born in 1981 in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. Lyric poet, video poet and translator. He writes poems and short prose in German and Russian. He earned his Master’s Degree in Political Science, East European History and Russian at Leipzig University. Between 2007 and 2008 he also studied at The University of Manchester.
In early 2017, he presented his debut poetry book with Russian and German poems entitled “Aus deinem Auge schlüpft der Kuckuck” (The Cuckoo Is Hatching Out Of Your Eye). It was published by Lychatz Verlag. In 2019 his second collection of poetry “Plutarchs Kopf” (Plutarchˈs Head) appeared at ostbooks-verlag in Herford. Also in 2019 appeared his first poetry book “Остров Гутенберга” (Gutenbergˈs Island) in Russia. His second book of poetry The Tickles (ru. Щекотки) was published 2021 by STiHI (ru. СТиХИ) in Moscow.